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Board of Water Commissioners Minutes 10/08/2008

Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Senior Center Conference Room
Thursday, October 8, 2008, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Co-Chair Moe Barocas and Emily Beebe, Celeste Makely
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, FinCom Liaison Dan Wexman, Steven Gazzano

Co-Chair Emily Beebe called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Paul Sieloff proposed that Steve Gazzano be appointed to the Board of Water Commissioners.  He will bring this up with the Selectmen at their next meeting.  

Discussion of Consultants
Moe Barocas discussed the meeting with two financial consultants with a background in financing wastewater systems.  Barocas said it would need to go to an RFP.  Paul Sieloff distributed information on another consultant who deals with water and wastewater systems.  Barocas asked about the transfer of $20,000 for water consultancy that is published in the Special Town Meeting Warrant.  Sieloff discussed the Warrant Article that deals with required site work at the Boy Scout Camp.  

Barocas moved to recommend Special Town Meeting Article 2 for lead removal at the Boy Scout Camp.  Beebe seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.   

Sieloff said Rex Peterson will be putting together an RFP for a consultant for the water system.  He informed the Board of a seminar held by Chris Woodcock and provided more information on his services.  Barocas said he’d like to see user fee consultancy as a part of the RFP.  Sieloff said he’d like to see an entire scenario of how the financing would work.  Sieloff discussed presentation of the water proposal at a future Town Meeting.  

Paul Sieloff offered a proposal for the water system that he wanted the Board to consider.  He said the tank was a priority step, but speculated about not closing the loop of the water main in order to decrease the estimated cost.  Barocas said he’d like to hear the ramifications of cutting the loop.  EPG will be contacted through a conference call to discuss this.  Barocas said he’d also like to get DEP Mike Quink’s opinion.  Celeste Makely said she wanted to know what financial savings or extra spending might occur if the scope of the expansion was down sized at this time.  

Tank Considerations
Barocas moved to send letters to the Building Inspector and Health Agent regarding process for planning the water tank.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.  

Funding Spreadsheet
The Board considered residential hookups along the route. The framework for hook-up fees is in place, and a consultant could work through the costs using this spreadsheet.  Barocas asked that EPG provide the survey results for residential properties along the proposed route.  

Dan Wexman asked about having a second well at the Coles Neck site.  This is a question to discuss with EPG and to consider financially although Board members explained why a second wellfield location was a better option.

Beebe discussed potential commercial hook-ups along a line from the Boy Scout Camp.  Beebe also discussed contaminants in water supplies.  Makely said that education needs to be a component in planning the water system.  

Mapping of Commercial Users
The health agent has been working on a map of water quality which will be of use the Board in planning for commercial hook-ups.  

Hook-up requests had been received from Janice and Chet Pettite at the Wellfleeter Condominiums and Eric Gallagher of TD Banknorth.  The secretary will respond to the letters.

Budget message
The Budget needs to be submitted for Fiscal Year 2010.  

Other Business
Eastham will be bringing their water plan back to Town Meeting in 2009, Beebe reported.

Minutes of 9/10/08
Barocas moved to approve the amended minutes of September 10, 2008.  
Beebe seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.

Makely moved to adjourn.  Beebe seconded, and the motion carried 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
_______________________________ __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Emily Beebe, Co-Chair

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at their meeting held 10/22/08.